Fleet Figures Explained
What is a Fleet Figure? Starting with Beta V.2, Photo Finish Live is going to rank race horses with something called a Fleet Figure. Fleet Figures are a quick and simple way to understand a horse’s race performance. They’re designed to be easy to compare, so you can see how a horse does against different […]
PFL Inside Track – Part 2 – Gen 0 Traits
Welcome, managers, to Part 2 of the ticket match article. This is your Lead Designer, Paul Nirenberg, here to analyze the effects of matches on V.1 Gen 0. Hold onto your hats, we’re going in! How Did Trait Matches Affect V.1 Gen 0?One goal of the design has always been a step by step transition […]
Photo Finish™ LIVE Beta V2: Big Changes Ahead
Ch-ch-ch-ch-changes – coming to Photo Finish™ LIVE, November 7! When we launched Beta back in June, our team knew it was just the tip of the iceberg of what the game would soon become. Over the course of the past few months, we’ve been working on new and exciting game features that will not only […]
PFL Inside Track – Part 1 – Genes & Matches
Hello Managers, it’s time for a post from your Lead Designer, Paul N. This one is hefty, enough that we’re splitting it into three parts. Please apply your thinking caps. It’s POST TIME!
Degen Derby Central Scouting – Week 1
With just a little over four weeks until The Degen Derby, more than a few Photo Finish™ LIVE horses are waiting for DAOs to scoop them off the open market in preparation for the big race. However, finding the perfect A+-rated horse will require some strategy and a little luck. During Friday’s Twitter Space, it […]
Beta V2: Q&A with CEO and Founder Ian Cummings
Following a successful first round of Beta testing, Photo Finish™ LIVE is excited to announce we’ve reached the next mile marker in our journey to virtual NFT horse racing utopia – Beta V2. This next, and likely final, phase of our beta testing will go live on November 7, and with it arrives a slew […]
Degen Derby Update: Race Details Revealed!
The race conditions for the first-ever Degen Derby are set! The most degenerate two minutes in racing will be held on a turf course featuring a firm track and will run counterclockwise (left). The race will consist of 10 furlongs, which is equivalent to one and one quarter miles. Just catching up with us right […]
Introducing: The DEGEN DERBY
Some of the top DAO’s already have their horses ready – will your favorite DAO be able to gain entry? AT LONG LAST we’re ready to announce our next BIG OCCASION – the Degen Derby, a high stakes horse racing event for all of you beautiful, degenerate gamblers out there who’ve grown oh-so-bored in the […]
Big Occasions, and revisiting the Third Time Invitational
In our virtual world, just like in real horse racing, there will be BIG OCCASIONS. Special days which prompt you to clean up, get dapper, and lose your mind rooting for your trifecta to hit while sipping mint juleps… Of course, the first big occasion like this in Photo Finish™ LIVE was the Third Time […]
Welcome to the PFJC
The first rule of the PFJC is: Not enough people are talking about the PFJC. What is the PFJC? Well amigo, it’s the Photo Finish Jockey Club. This must beg the question for some of you… what IS a jockey club? An association for the promotion and regulation of horse racing. – Merriam-Webster That broad […]