Crown Weekly: A Season to Remember

Six Photo Finish™ LIVE seasons are in the books, and what a barnburner the most recent chapter was. From the debut of a crop of newly bred horses to a legend born on the Virtual Kentucky Derby racetrack and a lot in between, the last month of Photo Finish™ has provided a surplus of gas […]

Season 3 Breeding Report

Welcome to the Season 3 Breeding Report, a high-level overview of the first-ever Photo Finish™ LIVE breeding season.  Future breeding windows will always bring excitement, but there will forever be something inherently special about the first-ever opportunity players had to bring new foals into the game. Ahead of preparations being made for Season 4’s breeding […]

MJ Gaming: Rising Star of Web3 Content Creation Chats Covering Photo Finish™

Breaking through as a successful content creator is a tall task in itself. But gaining traction as a Web3 content creator can at times feel like performing at Coachella a week before the festival actually takes place.  We’re early. For many, too early. But for those that enjoy the journey and the time and effort […]

Making History @ Churchill Downs

Hello, Photo Finish faithful! Ian Cummings here, Founder / CEO of Third Time Entertainment. Just now slowly recovering from easily the most stressful and busy few weeks of my entire life, so I thought it prudent to stop and reflect on some of the recent happenings and share a little of the behind the scenes […]

Kentucky Derby Preview: Photo Finish™ LIVE Comes to Churchill Downs

Photo Finish - official game of the Kentucky Derby

The countdown to the Kentucky Derby at Churchill Downs is in full swing, and Photo Finish™ LIVE, the Official Game of the Kentucky Derby, will be embedded steps from where all the action takes place. Third Time Games will be boots on the ground at Churchill Downs this weekend, rubbing elbows with an expected 150,000 […]

$CROWN Exploit – Next Steps

Hi all, Unfortunately we were hit by a hacker today. This person found a way to duplicate deposit transactions, spoofing our server into thinking they had deposited over 5M $CROWN tokens (max supply is 250M), thus allowing them to withdraw those tokens from our collateral wallet (not the user’s tokens, but our tokens backing up […]

Beta v3 – Allowances Error + Fix

How it affected horses, and our response Hello again Photo Finish™ LIVE faithful! We’re back again with another technical update addressing a flaw our community discovered during recent beta testing of “allowances”. A quick back story: in the world of horse racing, countless factors contribute to a horse’s performance and the overall outcome of a […]

Beta 2 Is Over. Long Live Beta 3.

Beta version 2 has been across all metrics a resounding success. Thousands of players and tens of thousands of virtual steeds ran thousands of races, even for real money. Beta 3, our final beta period before going “live”, is imminent. Stay tuned for more! Follow Twitter, join Discord, and subscribe to Youtube…the information surrounds us.