Competing on a Budget: Tips & Tricks

Everyone loves rooting for the underdog, and Photo Finish™ LIVE is no exception. So much so that large swaths of the racing schedule have catered to the smaller-to-middle stables in terms of budget and number of racehorses.  Thanks to that focus, finding success on the race tracks doesn’t have to come with a hefty price […]

NFT Virtual Horse Racing: Photo Finish™ LIVE Showcases Bull Case for Web3 Gaming

NFT virtual horse racing: an intriguing enigma wrapped in a mystery for some, but for those that already own the digital equines, a way of life. If you’re reading this, chances are you’re at least semi-familiar with the benefits of blockchain technology and NFTs; however, you may not be familiar with the added value of […]

What is Web3 Gaming? Unlocking True Digital Ownership

Play the Official Game of the Kentucky Derby, Photo Finish™ LIVE, and join thousands of players competing for real money. Click here to create an account and claim your FREE Trainer Horse!  What is Web3 gaming? That’s both an easy, and difficult, question to answer. In actuality — Web3 gaming is gaming. Fun is fun. Whether […]

Crown Weekly: Down the Track

Welcome to this week’s Crown Weekly! We’re rolling along here, music blaring, pedal to the metal, with just over a week of the Season 8’s road behind us. The first leg of the newest season featured an assortment of milestones and moments, as well as some eye-popping data shared. We’ve got places to go, and […]

Photo Finish™ LIVE Welcomes Community Manager Bryce Shuck

Third Time Games is thrilled to introduce the newest addition to the Photo Finish™ family — Community Manager, Bryce Shuck! Best known to the virtual horse racing community as Sangudo Stables, Bryce comes aboard the Photo Finish™ ship as part of the company’s commitment to maintaining an inclusive, engaged, and well-moderated community. In his new […]

Crown Weekly: Season 8 is Here!

The time has come to turn a new page — Welcome to Season 8, everyone! Honestly, it’s always good that there is a day to catch our breath between the intensity of Derby Day and Monday morning. Still, it’s particularly what the doctor ordered following the busiest weekend in Photo Finish™ LIVE history. From undercard […]

Crown Weekly: Virtual Kentucky Derby Week

If Season 7 were a high-stakes Photo Finish™ LIVE race, we’re officially headed down the final 200 meters as we enter the last week of the season and look ahead to a massive first week of Season 8 that will bring new breeding and staking windows. As any stable owner will tell you, a lot […]