Welcome to the PFJC

The first rule of the PFJC is: Not enough people are talking about the PFJC. What is the PFJC? Well amigo, it’s the Photo Finish Jockey Club. This must beg the question for some of you… what IS a jockey club? An association for the promotion and regulation of horse racing. – Merriam-Webster That broad […]
Suites Odyssey pt. 4

*CRACKLE* Fib Newton… come in Fib…. It’s time to wake up… *CRYOGENESIS deactivated…. Vitals returning to normal…* “Woah… was that a dream… … or is STAKING actually LIVE?! Computer – have I been stacking it up?” Running assessment…. Stack height increasing *🥞 🥞 🥞*, stacking it up status: confirmed. “Oh my STARS … It’s begun!” […]